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Labor Law is the branch of law that regulates the relations between employees and employers. This branch of law aims to protect the rights of workers, determine the obligations of employers and ensure justice in business life. Labor Law is divided into two main sections: individual labor law and collective labor law.

Individual labor law covers the relations between individual employees and employers. In this context, issues such as how to make employment contracts, working conditions, wages, overtime, leaves and dismissal are regulated. Issues such as the rights of workers, the obligations of employers and the termination of employment relations are addressed in this section.

Collective labor law regulates the relations between labor unions, employers' unions and the state in a broader framework. Issues such as collective labor agreements, strikes and lockouts are included in this section. Collective labor law also includes workers' trade union rights, collective bargaining processes and the resolution of labor disputes.

Labor Law aims to establish a balance between employees and employers and ensures fair and humane conditions in business life. In addition, issues such as the protection of workers in cases such as work accidents and occupational diseases and the determination of compensation rights are also within the scope of Labor Law. This branch of law tries to ensure social peace and peace in working life by controlling the rights and obligations of both parties in business life.